
Arria NLG Announces Articulator Lite, a Cloud-Toolkit

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agileanalyticsAccording to PRNewswire, Arria NLG, a leader in artificial intelligence (“AI”) and natural language generation (“NLG”), is pleased to announce the private beta launch of Articulator Lite, a cloud-based toolkit that allows users to build their own applications that create content from data.

Arria NLG  recognizes the demand from users to be able to build their own NLG applications with the option of hosting on-premises or delivery via cloud Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Articulator Lite (A-Lite) makes simple NLG solutions available to everyone. A-Lite is a toolkit that allows users who might not be specialist developers to build their own NLG applications using many of the key functionalities of Arria’s patented technology suite.

Currently in private beta, Arria is working with users to tailor the A-Lite toolkit based on their feedback before opening the public beta later this year. During the beta, A-Lite will be free to users. A-Lite is expected to be fully released to the market in 2017 as a Software as a Service product, when a tiered pricing structure will be introduced. Prospective users can request an invite to the private beta at

A-Lite is the first of two self-service software development toolkits that make up Arria’s NLG Cloud. The second, a tool for professional software developers called Articulator Pro, is expected to be available in 2017.

Read more at PRNewswire.

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