
AU10TIX Awarded Patent for Machine Learning for ID Recognition & Authentication

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auby Angela Guess

A recent release out of the company reports, “AU10TIX, the forerunner of 2nd generation ID authentication and fast-track onboarding is already serving many global major players in a range of financial services and other verticals. The newly announced patented algorithms increase the capability and performance gap between 1st and 2nd generation ‘ID authentication’ technologies. While 1st generation solutions rely primarily on MRZ or barcodes for document recognition and focus mainly on data based forgery detection, 2nd generation technology can carry out forensic level image manipulation and synthetic forgery checks, and can handle sub-optimal image qualities at far better speed and accuracy, at 100% data-entry-free automation.”

Ron Atzmon, Managing Director of AU10TIX, commented, “It’s time to clear out the battle haze… Many service providers are still unaware of 2nd generation ID authentication technology. Many do not know that 1st generation solutions actually involve manual work and that sometimes that “expert examination” is not done necessarily in the same geography. We keep on boosting our patented 2nd generation technology with advanced artificial intelligence algorithms that not only do it faster and more accurately, but also deepen and broaden forgery detection at a level that is humanly impossible.”

Read more at PRWeb.

Photo credit: AU10TIX

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