
Big Data: Growing Adoption but Persistent Challenges

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challby Angela Guess

Forbes contributor Gil Press recently wrote, “Two recent surveys shed new light on the state of big data, showing growing adoption but persistent data management challenges. Management consulting firm NewVantage Partners (NPV) will release next week the results of its 4th annual Big Data Executive Survey… Survey respondents were Fortune 1000 senior business and technology executives. IT industry association CompTIA has released last month its Big Data Insights and Opportunities report, based on an online survey of 402 business and IT professionals. Here are 6 observations, based on these two reports, about what is happening with big data in practice.”

Press’s first observation is that, “(2) Big data adoption is rising but it’s still not in production everywhere. NVP found that 62.5% of firms have at least one instance of big data in production, up from 31.4% in 2013 and 48.2% in 2014. Only 5.4% of firms now report that they have no big data initiatives planned or underway.  51% of the companies participating in the CompTIA survey said they have some form of big data initiative in place, up from 42% in 2013. (2) The reputation of big data is getting stronger. 69.6% of firms view big data as very important or critical to their business success, up from 54.5% in 2014 (NVP).  72% of companies that have launched some form of big data initiative say that their results have exceeded expectations (CompTIA).”

Read more here.

photo credit: Flickr/ pkasco

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