
From Labs to Leaders: 2024’s Generative AI Predictions for Industry Champions

In the past year, we have witnessed the explosive emergence of generative AI (GenAI) use cases. Its potential to revolutionize how businesses analyze, create, and compete is undeniable, but beyond the hype, a critical question hangs in the air: How will industries move forward with GenAI in 2024? This blog post explores five key predictions […]

The Cool Kids Corner: CLEAR Communication 

Hello! I’m Mark Horseman, and welcome to The Cool Kids Corner. This is my monthly check-in to share with you the people and ideas I encounter as the data evangelist with DATAVERSITY. (Read last month’s column here.) This month, we’re talking about communication. Communication is the cornerstone of socializing anything you do with data, whether that’s […]

AI in 2024: The Other Side

I’ve made a lot of predictions about how AI will change programming. Hacking code will be less important than understanding problems, we’ll have better tools for generating code, higher-level skills will be more valuable, and so on. All of these are tied together, to some extent. If programmers spend less time writing code, they will have more […]

Organizations Are Underutilizing Their Data – Here’s Why (and How to Fix It)

The mainstreaming of predictive analytics and generative AI has brought Data Management into focus. Artificial Intelligence both runs on and produces a vast amount of data that must be effectively managed, governed, and analyzed. However, a recent survey of 1,000 North American executives revealed that organizations aren’t quite up for the challenge. 

Many companies are not prepared to implement AI or other technologies into their existing IT infrastructure and workforce in a timely manner…

AI’s Massive Growth Puts Retail Data in the Spotlight

023 was an incredible year in the development of artificial intelligence (AI). With the massive adoption of technologies like ChatGPT, millions of people are now uncovering new ways to use AI to create content, including email, video animation, and even code.

Since its first debut to the public in 2022, generative AI has dominated headlines and conversations about its potential impact on nearly every aspect of business and life…