
Innovating with Data Mesh and Data Governance

Large organizations want to create a flexible environment to innovate and respond quickly based on new data insights. But at the same time, these businesses want some structure for good Data Quality, data fit for consumption, simplifying and speeding up data access. Using a data mesh, which is a decentralized data architecture (collecting, integrating, and analyzing […]

The Future of Deep Learning

Deep learning (DL) became an overnight “star” when a robot player beat a human player in the famed game of AlphaGo. Deep learning training and learning methods have been widely acknowledged for “humanizing” machines. Many of the advanced automation capabilities now found in enterprise AI platforms are due to the rapid growth of machine learning […]

Achieving Smoother, Quicker Data Modeling

When the Navy SEALS embraced its motto, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast,” they may as well have been discussing building data models in the same breath. The SEALS chose the phrase to remind its participants not to rush but to act thoughtfully and deliberately. Data Modeling does the same thing by helping businesses design and update data architectures […]

Data Strategy 101

Organizations that treat data as a business asset look for ways to transform the entire business ecosystem into a data-driven entity. Yet, aligning business goals with data goals is neither easy nor straightforward; a systematic and well-defined Data Strategy must be conceived and developed to take the data-enabled business practices forward. In this Data Strategy 101 […]

The Fundamentals of a Data-Driven Approach

Organizations with a data-driven approach cultivate a culture that uses data and business insights to drive all company decisions. A data-driven organization encourages all stakeholders to base everyday business activities on data and insights instead of relying on their gut. In this data-focused business environment, data analysts safely serve as the “eyes” of the business, […]

Data Literacy Training for Data Engineers

It may seem counterintuitive to think of data engineers needing to improve Data Literacy, the ability to read, work with, analyze, and argue with data. After all, data engineers apply technical Data Literacy skills to build and optimize operating systems and pipeline channels. At the same time, data engineers show gaps in using organizational Data Literacy and communicating […]

A Brief History of Semantics

As a word, “semantics” was first used by Michel Bréal, a French philologist (a language historian),in 1883. He studied how languages are organized, how languages change as time passes, and the connections within languages. Gen erally speaking, semantics is the study of language and its meaning.  More specifically, semantics can be used to describe how […]