
Fortress Information Security Launches Service to Plug Gaps Between Cyber Security Systems

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by Angela Guess

A recent press release states, “Fortress Information Security today announced its new Emerging Security Risk Management platform with an enterprise-wide visualization capability that allows organizations to plug gaps in their autonomous security systems by creating a visual map across their information technology (IT), operational technology (OT) and their external supply chain connections for a complete view of their cyber security vulnerability. The visualization capability is an addition to the Emerging Security Risk Management platform, which provides a single pane of glass across Information Security, OT Security and Third Party Risk Management silos. Fortress takes a holistic and proactive approach to security – delivering the people, processes and technology necessary to create a total security solution.”

The release continues, “Fortress’ Emerging Security Risk Management platform presents comprehensive information to display vulnerabilities facing a company’s IT assets, its OT assets and its externally connected supply chain. The platform combines these three areas together on a single management console to allow management to understand their cyber risk position. This helps organizations to mitigate vulnerabilities before they become points of attack. ‘There is a cyber security challenge facing most companies that technology has not solved. That’s the blind spot between departmental security initiatives that can create seams, allowing hackers access to corporate data,’ said Peter Kassabov, Chairman and Co-Founder of Fortress Information Security. ‘By providing an integrated vulnerability solution covering all IT, OT and supply chain assets, organizations will be able to understand risks holistically and will no longer have blind spots in their cyber security defenses’.”

Read more at Business Wire.

Photo credit: Fortress Information Security

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