
Managing Unstructured Data: Obstacles and Benefits

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blocksby Angela Guess

Mekhala Roy recently wrote in TechTarget, “How to properly manage vast amounts of unstructured data has become a common information governance obstacle for modern companies. As organizations try to transition unstructured data into a more manageable, structured form, it is important that they have automated information governance processes integrated into their engineering and design applications, according to information governance expert Jeffrey Ritter. ‘Information governance allows all businesses to survive the extinction of unstructured data,’ Ritter said in a recent SearchCompliance webcast titled The Unstructured Data Extinction: Automated Governance in the Digital Age”

Roy goes on, “Managing unstructured data — and even eliminating unstructured data altogether — has become important to business success in the digital age, Ritter said, a long-time contributor to the SearchCompliance website who currently teaches courses on information governance and privacy engineering as an external lecturer at the University of Oxford and at Johns Hopkins University. As managing unstructured data has become more of a business priority, governance tools and strategies must become more sophisticated, he added. For example, businesses have learned that any action taken on company data — whether it is processed, computed, manipulated, transferred or deleted — should be logged.”

Read more here.

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