
Production Company Launches First Film to use AI in Storyboarding on Kickstarter

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itby Angela Guess

According to a recent press release, “Producers of the first film to use artificial intelligence (AI) to help develop the storyboarding and plot twists and ensure there’s a demographic market to make the finished product a success, has launched a Kickstarter campaign to reach backers for the new movie-making technology. ‘Our AI software can provide powerful insights to everyone involved in film making,’ said Greenlight Essentials Founder and CEO Jack Zhang. ‘It not only evaluates and suggests plot twists and deviations, it also suggests which type of actors and actresses would make the movie more appealing, specific plot and cast combinations and even helps us find the right target market for the film to be successful’.”

The release continues. “Zhang, a mathematician who previously worked in the technology and finance industries, created and developed the patent pending data analytic process to begin the production of Impossible Things – a horror movie that the AI indicates will be very successful among female movie goers under the age of 25. ‘Impossible Things was engineered with our AI, which can understand the relationship between movie plots and audience taste,’ Zhang said. ‘We used it to generate the premise and the key plot points of the film. Before a single word was written, our AI told us that if we wanted to match audience taste, we needed to make a horror film that featured both ghost and family relationship, and that a piano scene and a bathtub scene would need to be used in the movie trailer to increase the likelihood that our target audience would like it’.”

Read more at PRWeb.

Photo credit: Greenlight Essentials

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