
Smart Cities get Smarter with Bezeq and mPrest

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According to the press release, “Bezeq’s Smart City Application will use mPrest’s software, renowned for powering the life-saving Iron Dome missile defense system, to connect sensors and smart systems across smart cities with advanced analytics, monitoring and control capabilities, including Video Management Systems, Smart Parking, Environmental Monitoring and Waste Management. The application also includes tools for monitoring public sentiment on city-related issues, a smart irrigation solution and smart water monitoring. These functions will help cities collect, analyze, manage and provide invaluable insights from complex sets of data in real-time. The data and insights cities receive from this application will allow them to provide a safer environment and better service to their citizens, together with enhanced bi-directional communications.”

It continued later with, “’With the Smart City SaaS solution that we are creating in partnership with mPrest, our municipal and campus customers will soon have access to a highly customizable, flexible and comprehensive system for creating more efficient and safer environments for the people they serve. All that is achieved with record time to market,” said Yaki Zano, VP of Technologies at Bezeq. “After a detailed selection process, we chose mPrest, a world leader in IIoT software, because of the information and operational technology (IT/OT) integration and analysis capabilities that mPrest’s application offers, which really bring the value of the Smart City application to new operational levels. This partnership is integral to our strategy for growing our business by providing intelligent IIoT solutions that operate within advanced telecommunications infrastructure.’”

Read more here.

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