
Prescriptive Analytics Use Cases

The term “prescriptive analytics” denotes the use of many different disciplines such as AI, mathematics, analytics, or simulations to advise the user whether to act, and what course of action to take. In that sense, prescriptive analytics offers an advisory function regarding the future, rather than simply “predicting” what is about to happen. This newer […]

Driving an Organizational Culture Shift to Realize the Potential of AI in Life Sciences

Click to learn more about author Updesh Dosanjh. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are present in nearly every industry today. However, not all industries have readily embraced these technologies with open arms. Due to the nature of the business, the life sciences industry has historically been careful about its adoption of new technologies. […]

Managing Data Governance Throughout the Data Lifecycle

Companies rely on Data Governance, the formal Data Management of people, technology, and practices, to balance data risks and opportunities. Managing Data Governance takes on even more importance across the data lifecycle, from data planning to data disposal, as shown in the diagram below Organizations tend to neglect more comprehensive Data Governance throughout the lifecycle. […]

Building a Time Series Analysis Application

Click to learn more about author Maarit Widmann. A complete time series analysis application covers the steps in a Data Science cycle from accessing to transforming, modeling, evaluating, and deploying time series data. However, for time series data the specific tasks in these steps differ in comparison to cross-sectional data. For example, cross sectional data are […]

Why Data Democratization Should Be Your Guiding Principle for 2021

Click to learn more about author Mathias Golombek. When Maximilien Robespierre first uttered the now famous phrase “liberté, equalité, fraternité,” during the French Revolution, the concept of data democratization didn’t yet exist. In Robespierre’s speech, the phrase was intended to unite and inspire French revolutionaries with the three ideals of freedom, equality, and brotherhood. However, […]

The Three Pillars of Trusted AI

Click to learn more about author Jett Oristaglio. As AI becomes ubiquitous across dozens of industries, the initial hype of new technology is beginning to be replaced by the challenge of building trustworthy AI systems. We’ve all heard the headlines: Amazon’s AI hiring scandal, IBM Watson’s $62 million failure in oncology, the now-infamous COMPAS recidivism […]

Integrated Deployment: Continuous Deployment

Click to learn more about author Paolo Tamagnini. In this second article of our integrated deployment blog series – where we focus on solving the challenges around productionizing Data Science – we look at the model part of the process. In the previous article we covered a simple integrated deployment use case. We first looked at an existing […]