
A Powerful Pair: Modern Data Warehouses and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like machine learning (ML) have changed how we handle and process data. However, AI adoption isn’t simple. Most companies utilize AI only for the tiniest fraction of their data because scaling AI is challenging. Typically, enterprises cannot harness the power of predictive analytics because they don’t have a fully mature data strategy. To […]

How to Become a Certified Data Management Professional

With the field of Data Management constantly evolving and becoming increasingly competitive, getting certified as a data professional helps you stand out from the crowd. The certification process requires applicants to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of various areas of Data Management, such as database design, data modeling, data governance, programming, analytics, and data visualization.  Many […]

What to Look for When Hiring a Data Analyst

Data analysts are specialists in statistics, mathematics, and computer science, enabling them to serve in a variety of departments, including operations analysis, financial analysis, and marketing analysis. A data analyst interprets data to influence business strategy, permitting firms to make data-driven pricing, scheduling, and other operational choices. Why Hire a Data Analyst? As declining margins, increased commoditization, […]

Why Leveraging Unstructured Data and AI Will Be Key to Customer Success in 2023

Analysts like IDC and Deloitte estimate that up to 80% of the world’s data is unstructured text data, which makes getting valuable insights out of this type of data a huge challenge. Worse, customers can’t easily find the right answers to address their product and service-related questions that are hidden in large amounts of support documents. As a result, employees […]