
Three Causes of Cloud Migration Failure in Large Enterprises

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern business world, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is taking the industry by storm. Companies increasingly recognize the transformative potential of GenAI and machine learning. To harness the full power of these technologies, it is critical for organizations to embrace cloud computing. Cloud migration is not a mere option but […]

What Is Data Architecture? Components and Uses

Data Architecture describes the infrastructure that connects a Business Strategy and Data Strategy with technical execution. Ideally, Data Architecture happens within a systematic framework, providing a foundation for people and systems to work with data. Three types of components underlie the architecture infrastructure and connect to drive insights, make data-driven decisions, and manage risk. They include: Specific examples of […]

5 Ways to Use Data to Make Workplace Decisions

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, decision-making has shifted from relying on gut instinct and the loudest voice in the room to data-driven approaches. In this article, we will explore five powerful ways to harness data for making informed decisions in the workplace, offer practical insights to boost productivity, and explain how to adapt to […]

Data Architecture Online – Free Conference

DATE: July 24, 2024 LOCATION: Online ABOUT THE EVENT: The annual Data Architecture Online (DAO) event will cover key strategies and technologies you need to know in order to build and manage a modern Data Architecture. Tap into the combined expertise of several industry-leading professionals and connect with hundreds of data peers during this day […]

Getting Executive Buy-in for Data Management

Within the last several years, the marketplace has shifted from industrial-produced to data-based. Consequently, many companies have a strong drive to become data-driven, from financial firms to nonprofits. Yet, when C-suite managers and others discuss making money from data, they see the face of data analytics and Data Science. These conversations miss the Data Architecture and Data Management fundamentals […]

Is Your Data Ready for Generative AI?

Generative AI (GenAI) is all the rage in the world today, thanks to the advent of tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E. To their credit, these innovations are extraordinary. They’ve put the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) into the hands of everyday users. However, these tools have also skewed our perceptions of what […]

Strong AI/ML Must Be Founded on a Strong Data Strategy

The list of use cases powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies is growing exponentially across nearly every business sector. Enterprises of all kinds are leveraging these advanced capabilities and scaling them through automation to improve business process management, sharpen organizational strategies, and reap more analytical and predictive insights from data for […]

How Data Governance and Data Literacy Overlap

In today’s tech-driven world, with 120 zettabytes generated annually, most of us already use data – and lots of it. “Everyone who reads a paper or scrolls through the Internet is already acquainted with data,” said Wendy Lynch, founder of and Lynch Consulting, in a recent Elevating Enterprise Data Literacy webinar. “We depend on data, compare data, react to data, […]

Unlocking Success with Digital Transformation: A Strategic Roadmap for the Board

Digital transformation presents organizations with immense opportunities, but seizing them requires a strategic approach and careful selection of appropriate technologies. A recent study conducted by Deloitte that examined financial disclosures from over 4,000 global organizations, spanning a decade, revealed that “the right combination of digital transformation actions can unlock as much as $1.25 trillion in additional market […]