
The Future of Deep Learning

Deep learning (DL) became an overnight “star” when a robot player beat a human player in the famed game of AlphaGo. Deep learning training and learning methods have been widely acknowledged for “humanizing” machines. Many of the advanced automation capabilities now found in enterprise AI platforms are due to the rapid growth of machine learning […]

Using Graph Technology in the Evolution of AI

Graph technology is being used to promote the evolution of artificial intelligence. Graph databases show how data is interlinked, expressing relationships within the data that cannot be communicated using a tabular SQL system. They work especially well when complex patterns must be identified quickly. Graphs are an excellent tool for inferring relationships and enhancing artificial […]

Leveraging Enterprise AI

Leveraging enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) provides a system that can automate repetitive tasks, answer questions, and improve decision-making. The AI operates machine learning extensions and automated services to deliver satisfying customer experiences and can streamline research projects. Enterprise AI can be described as a combination of machine learning and deep learning algorithms.  With enterprise AI, managers and […]

Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine learning algorithms establish rules and processes that are used while processing a specific problem. These algorithms analyze data to predict the probable results of certain behaviors. As new data is received, these algorithms learn, optimizing and improving their responses using feedback from previous performances.  Combinations of machine learning algorithms can produce artificial intelligence (AI). Machine […]

Graph Databases: An Overview

The concept of graph databases traces back to Leonhard Euler. Euler was an 18th century Swiss mathematician who made several important discoveries in mathematics, such as infinitesimal calculus. In solving the “Seven Bridges of Königsberg” problem in 1736, Euler laid the foundations for graph theory. (He also got a fun shout-out in Hidden Figures when […]

Working Towards Explainable AI

“The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax.” This quote comes from the man who came up with the theory of relativity – not exactly the easiest concept to understand. That said, had he lived a bit longer, Albert Einstein might have said “AI” instead of “income tax.” Einstein died in […]

The Fundamentals of Deep Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning (RL), a “niche” Machine Learning technique, has surfaced in the last five years. In context-based decision making, Reinforcement Learning helps the machine take action-provoking decision making through a trial-and-error approach to achieve the optimal algorithmic model for a situation. Furthermore, the machine is trained through a reward/penalty-based feedback mechanism, the goal of which […]