
Assumptions in Regression: Why, What, and How

“Garbage in, garbage out” defines the importance of data in data science or machine learning in a nutshell. Incorrect input will yield meaningless results and screening data ensures we get comprehensible results. Before we start building models and generating insights, we need to ensure that the quality of the data we are working with is […]

Machine Learning Tools

Machine learning tools allow computers to become more accurate in predicting outcomes. The computer’s software makes decisions based on experiences rather than programming. The algorithm (basically a series of instructions) collects data on its interactions, and that data is used as feedback for the algorithm, which changes its behavior and responses, improving them over time. […]

Ten Myths About Data Science

Click to learn more about author Daniel Jebaraj. Introduction Data Science is now being used as a competitive weapon. As with other technologies and processes that can transform the way companies operate, there’s a lot of contradictory information about it that’s causing considerable confusion. Most of today’s business leaders have heard that Data Science can […]