
Generally Accepted Data Modeling Principles

What can data modelers learn from accountants? Accounting is a solidly established practice that the world cannot live without. One of the established guidelines for accountants is called GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the US), and there are similar international setups. You might guess these standards are about rules, but actually, accounting is much […]

The False Technology Choice Dichotomy

Click to learn more about author David Segleau. I recently spent more than a few hours trying to build and configure a DIY solution in the cloud for ad-hoc analytical queries. The exact pieces of software are not that important because all of the build-it-yourself-better-and-cheaper solutions start to look the same after a while. After […]

What Is an ETL Developer?

Click to learn more about author Edwin Lisowski. What is ETL? To begin with, ETL stands for extract, transform, and load. ETL allows businesses to collect data from various sources into one database. The process consists of three stages: 1. Reading data from a database2. Converting the extracted data into a form that can be […]

Graph Databases vs. Key-Value Databases

Graph databases and key-value databases have very different features and are used for accomplishing different tasks. Key-value databases are streamlined and fast, but are limited and not as flexible. Graph databases, on the other hand, are very flexible and great for research, but not terribly fast. Both typically use a non-relational foundation. The two key […]

Hybrid Database Architectures Lead the Way

Hybrid databases have evolved in the last decade, with a focus on cloud environments. In 2013, Gartner created the term “Hybrid Transaction/Analytical Processing” (or HTAP), which is defined by Gartner as: “An emerging application architecture that ‘breaks the wall’ between transaction processing and analytics. It enables more informed and ‘in business real time’ decision making.” […]

Data Lake or Data Warehouse?

Click here to learn more about Joe deBuzna. Abandoning a data warehouse for a data lake may not be the answer. Over the last few decades, we’ve seen an explosion in the use of data warehousing within the IT industry. It was all the rage for doing analytics and reporting. Data warehouses are popular because […]