
A Brief History of Data Ontology

It can be said that the history of data ontology starts with the development of ontology as a concept in Greece, back in the fourth century B.C.E. It was developed by Aristotle, the famous philosopher. Ontology is a branch of philosophy that is used to classify and explain “that which exists” or answer the question […]

Knowledge Graphs: Context, Compliance, and Connections

“Graph is leaving a larger and larger footprint. And that is good,” said Thomas Frisendal in Knowledge Graphs and Data Modeling. Gartner named knowledge graphs as part of an emerging trend toward digital ecosystems, showing relationships among enterprises, people, and things, and enabling seamless, dynamic connections across geographies and industries. Elisa Kendall and Deborah McGuinness, […]

What Is a Knowledge Graph?

A knowledge graph, which can be considered a type of ontology, depicts “knowledge in terms of entities and their relationships,” according to GitHub. An example of a knowledge graph is shown below. Knowledge graphs developed from the need to do something with or act upon information based on context. For example, knowledge graphs help identify […]

Knowledge Graphs, Ontologies, and AI

This past fall, all aspects of the computable knowledge structure KBpedia – its upper ontology (KKO), full knowledge graph, mappings to major leading knowledge bases, and 70 logical concept groupings called typologies – became open source. Making big strides in increasing definitions and mappings has been a main focus of KBpedia v. 1.60. As it always […]

Exploring a Chemistry Ontology

Click to learn more about author Martyna Pawletta. We are often asked if it’s possible to work with ontologies. By “work with ontologies,” people can mean many different things, but let’s focus today on one particular ontology and basic tasks, including reading and querying ontologies to create an interactive tool at the end. For this purpose, today, we dive […]

Generally Accepted Data Modeling Principles

What can data modelers learn from accountants? Accounting is a solidly established practice that the world cannot live without. One of the established guidelines for accountants is called GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the US), and there are similar international setups. You might guess these standards are about rules, but actually, accounting is much […]

Data Modeling on the Other Side of the Quagmire

Click to learn more about author Thomas Frisendal. At the DATAVERSITY® Graphorum Conference in Chicago in October I attended Dave McComb’s tutorial on “Data-Centric: Models and Architectures”. At the end, he ran a raffle for his 2018 book, Software Wasteland – How the Application-Centric Mindset is Hobbling our Enterprises (TechnicsPub). I was the lucky winner! […]