
Fundamentals of Document Databases

A document database (sometimes referred to as a “document store” or a “document-oriented database”), is a NoSQL or non-relational database. However, document databases use an index to associate “keys” with “documents,” making them more efficient at retrieving data. Unlike relational databases, document databases are not structured with a format of rows and columns, but scale […]

A Brief History of Microservices

The history and origins of microservices are a continuing effort to provide better communication between different platforms, greater simplicity, and more user-friendly systems. Microservices are typically thought of as a software development technique which organizes an application as a group of loosely coupled services. It is, however, any kind of small service which interacts with […]

Redis: Understanding the Open Source Data Store’s Primary Uses and Challenges

Click to learn more about author Bassam Chahine. Redis, which stands for “REmote Dictionary Server,” is a speed-optimized in-memory data store most often used as a cache. Redis has data structure versatility — from strings, lists, dictionaries, and sets, to support for approximate counting, geolocation, and stream processing. While Redis is configured as a cache […]

Google’s Bet on API Metrics

Click to learn more about author Pete Johnson. If developers are the new kingmakers, then APIs (application programming interfaces) and IDEs (integrated development environments) are the swords and shields they use to storm the castle. Both speak to developer productivity, but APIs have grown from early arguments over REST vs. SOAP formats to form the […]