
What Architecture Can Teach Us About Self-Healing Systems

DevOps teams and site reliability engineers (SREs) deal with code daily. Doing so teaches them to scrutinize their world, make astute observations, and draw unexpected connections. After all, although highly logical and mathematical in nature, software development is, at least in part, art form.  Unconvinced by that statement? Consider the parallels between history’s most remarkable […]

Continuous Delivery Tips and Tricks

Continuous delivery is a software engineering practice in which software is built to be released to production at any time. It involves building, testing, and releasing software changes more frequently, so new code can be delivered to users more quickly.  Continuous delivery is often achieved through the use of automation, which can handle tasks such […]

Data Architect vs. Data Engineer

Data careers are becoming increasingly important and popular all across the globe, simply because “data” is the new currency of the data economy. The pandemic gave the needed push to accelerate the digital transformation of global businesses, and currently, the primary market differentiator is an enterprise’s data infrastructure readiness. This data infrastructure comprises systems, processes, […]

How Culture, Data, and Skills Serve as Barometers for Organizational Data Science Preparedness

Click to learn more about author Steve MacLauchlan. I’ve had the good fortune over my career of working with many different organizations across many different industries. Often, I’ve been in an advisory role assisting organizations with getting a handle on their data assets and finding value in the insights those assets can provide. When data is […]