
How to Become a Data Engineer

The work of data engineers is extremely technical. They are responsible for designing and maintaining the architecture of data systems, which incorporates concepts ranging from analytic infrastructures to data warehouses. A data engineer needs to have a solid understanding of commonly used scripting languages and is expected to support the steady evolution of improved Data Quality, […]

Types of Database Management Systems

A database management system (DBMS) is software designed to develop and manage the data stored in databases. A database is a collection of organized data, normally stored electronically within a computer. The database management system organizes the data and allows a person to access, manage, and alter it. It also supports and controls additional compatible […]

NoSQL vs. SQL: Five Key Differences

NoSQL and SQL are the two primary forms of database used to store and manage digital data, with each providing key differences that support advantages and disadvantages. SQL deals with relational databases and NoSQL deals with non-relational databases. Both methods store data effectively but differ dramatically in their scalability, relationships, language, and database design. Understanding […]

How to Become a Database Manager

Becoming a database manager requires knowing how to deal with both technology and people. The responsibilities of a database manager typically include establishing and enforcing the data standards for the business and troubleshooting any problems with the data or the system.  The database manager often works with other management staff to improve data sharing and […]

Structured vs. Unstructured Data: An Overview

Structured data and unstructured data are both forms of data, but the first uses a single standardized format for storage, and the second does not. Structured data must be appropriately formatted (or reformatted) to provide a standardized data format before being stored, which is not a necessary step when storing unstructured data. The relational database […]

Database Management 101

An important tool for organizations to ensure their data is stored, validated, and protected is database management. It is used to develop and deploy processes that end users are comfortable with. They can feel confident that the data is easy to work with, reliable, and accessible. It is important to make sure your organization’s data is […]

What to Look for When Hiring a Data Analyst

Data analysts are specialists in statistics, mathematics, and computer science, enabling them to serve in a variety of departments, including operations analysis, financial analysis, and marketing analysis. A data analyst interprets data to influence business strategy, permitting firms to make data-driven pricing, scheduling, and other operational choices. Why Hire a Data Analyst? As declining margins, increased commoditization, […]