
Data Science for All: How Open Source Levels the Playing Field in a Talent-Starved Market

Despite today’s data scientist talent shortage, organizations are not holding back from investing in Data Science initiatives.  A recent survey produced by my company in collaboration with TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group shows that most organizations understand how to overcome today’s talent shortage. 87% of respondents said that building Data Science skills across domains and lines of business departments is a […]

Four Perspectives on the Art of Data Analytics

As data science professionals, we are often viewed as people who draw conclusions based only on data and minimize other factors. This perception usually becomes contentious when the insights and evidence from the data are inconsistent with somebody else’s “hypothesis.” Or we are confused and maybe frustrated when “qualitative” analysis trumps quantitative analysis. The next time […]

AI Personalization: Challenges and Practical Strategies for Startups

Personalization is an effective way to drive revenue growth, increase customer engagement, and enhance customer satisfaction. According to a survey by Accenture, 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands that recognize, remember, and provide relevant offers and recommendations. In recent years, businesses have recognized the value of personalization in improving customer experience by leveraging […]

Managing a Freelance Data Science Team

In this dynamic era, the freelance economy is experiencing an unprecedented boom, significantly reshaping the work landscape. This shift is leading to the increasing prominence of freelance management, which includes sourcing, coordinating, and retaining independent talent in a strategic manner. This article particularly focuses on how to manage a freelance data science team, a trend […]