Sabina Stanescu, AI Strategist, cnvrg.io
Sabina Stanescu is the AI strategist at cnvrg.io, where she develops the AI blueprints that offer developers accessible, end-to-end, easy-to-integrate solutions for a wide variety of AI tasks. Sabina has built her career as a data scientist and managing data science teams, as well as a product manager. As a lead product manager for ML and sr. director of product, Sabina has worked on integrating AI into products and building a data analytics and AI cloud platform. Across her multiple roles, Sabina has gained a deep understanding of the pain data scientists and developers experience building AI applications from scratch, and for the past three years, has been using her expertise to build tools to help people with a variety of skill sets unlock the value of AI for their business.
Follow Sabina and cnvrg.io at: LinkedIn (Sabina), LinkedIn (cnvrg.io), Twitter