
Data-Ed Webinar: The Seven Deadly Data Sins – Emerging from Management Purgatory

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About the Webinar

While wrath and envy are best left for human resources to address, overcoming the numerous obstacles that often inhibit successful data management must be a full organizational effort. The difficulty of implementing a new data strategy often goes underappreciated, particularly the multi-faceted nature of the challenges that need to be met. Deficiencies in organizational readiness and core competence represent clearly visible problems faced by data managers, but beyond that there are several cultural and structural barriers common to virtually all organizations that must be eliminated in order to facilitate effective management of data.

In this webinar, we will discuss these barriers—the titular “Seven Deadly Data Sins”, and in the process will also:

  • Elaborate upon the three critical factors that lead to strategy failure
  • Demonstrate a two-stage data strategy implementation process
  • Explore the sources and rationales behind the “Seven Deadly Data Sins”, and recommend solutions and alternative approaches

About the Speaker

Peter Aiken

Founding Director, Data Blueprint

Peter Aiken_croppedPeter Aiken, Ph.D., is a modern-day business guru, highly sought after as a keynote speaker and widely respected as one of the top ten data management authorities worldwide. During the course of a career spanning over 30 years, Peter has revolutionized the data management discipline, an achievement to which more than 50 organizations in 20 countries and myriad industries—from healthcare to defense, telecommunications to manufacturing—can attest. Peter’s technical know-how and experience as a speaker, teacher, consultant, and writer have produced outstanding structural efficiency and profitability for dozens of clients—not to mention six renowned data management publications, the latest of which are his books Monetizing Data Management and Making the Case for the Chief Data Officer. Outside of winning over crowds all across the globe, Peter is the Founding Director of Data Blueprint—a data management consulting firm with a steadfast reputation for putting organizations on the right path to leverage data for competitive advantage and operational excellence—as well as a former President of the International Data Management Association (DAMA), an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Virginia Commonwealth University, and a passionate horse enthusiast alongside his wife Cathy.

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