A recent press release states, “LandStar, Inc., the parent company of Data443™ Risk Mitigation, Inc., a leading data security and privacy company, announced their newest solution to data security and privacy compliance with the launch of Data443™ vDPO. The remote and on-demand service is perfect for organizations that don’t have the time, knowledge or expertise to fulfill their data privacy obligations. Jason Remillard, CEO of LandStar and founder of Data443, commented, ‘Governance and compliance are expensive and difficult roles for any organization to fill. With upcoming regulations mandating these requirements – the burden is higher than ever. Highly skilled, trained and on-demand experts coupled with our leading data classification, discovery and subject access request portal solutions support our mission of delivering the worlds’ leading privacy compliance platform’.”
The release continues, “While specific policies including GDPR (EU), LGDP (Brazil), PIPA and PIPEDA (Canada) mandate the appointment of a DPO for certain organizations, data protection officers or chief security advisors play a vital role in every company’s total data security. Organizations that are unprepared for or choose to ignore recent and forthcoming privacy regulations stand to lose far more than money – they may jeopardize reputation, credibility and the overall future of the business. Organizations worldwide are susceptible to multiple data privacy laws that continue to evolve and expand. The expected January 1, 2020 effective date of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) brings companies across the US a new set of data privacy regulations to learn, understand and comply with. Compliance is likely to become even more complicated as the CCPA is expected to see amendments prior to its’ effective date. Data443’s vDPO gives businesses peace of mind knowing they are ready for any regulation with a subject matter expert equipped for risk and compliance assessment, audit and analysis, and implementation.”
Read more at Nasdaq.
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