According to a new press release, “EnterpriseDB announces the worldwide availability of EDB Postgres Platform 11 that includes Oracle database compatibility features, management and integration tools, providing organizations with high performance, enterprise-ready data management. EDB Postgres 11 includes an updated version of EDB Postgres Advanced Server, which is built on and enhances the capabilities of open source PostgreSQL 11. PostgreSQL 11 comes with a number of new features and performance improvements that enable queries to run faster including partitioning, parallelism and just-in-time (JIT) compilation, along with finer-grained controls for specific permissions to users.”
The release goes on, “Advanced Server 11 adds the following features providing enterprises with enhanced security, performance and reliability. (1) Data redaction: Sensitive data, such as credit card information, can be concealed from designated users while privileged users can have access without restriction. This allows developers to secure information at the database level rather than in the application itself, making it easier to meet General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements and achieve greater levels of data privacy. (2) Performance diagnostics: More detailed information about where time is being spent in the database server can be collected with minimal overhead. This information can then be searched to help diagnose bottlenecks and tune queries to optimize application performance. (3) Autonomous transactions: A capability that allows independent transactions to be executed without interfering with the parent transaction. This makes migrations from Oracle easier.”
Read more at PR Newswire.
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