by Angela Guess
A new press release announces, “A new report from Navigant Research examines the global smart grid as a service (SGaaS) market, focusing on data services, cloud-based software, and fully managed services, while providing forecasts for managed distribution/substation automation, microgrids, distributed energy resources (DER) management, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), demand response, home energy management (HEM), and analytics. Historically, utilities have preferred to acquire their own physical assets and the software required to manage these assets, store all related data in-house, and use their own staff to perform associated business processes. Today, however, utilities are increasingly turning to service-based delivery to help them take a more flexible approach to business processes, mitigating technology risks, and reducing costs while staying ahead of the competition.”
The release goes on, “The need for speedy time-to-market is anathema to many utilities, where historically there was an incentive to be second or third movers. According to the report, competition is becoming a more and more important driver for SGaaS. The report, Smart Grid as a Service, analyzes the global SGaaS market, with a focus on three segments: data services, cloud-based software, and fully managed services. The study covers a number of smart grid functional areas and provides forecasts for managed distribution/substation automation, microgrids, DER management, AMI, demand response, HEM, and analytics. Additional commentary is provided on virtual power plants and commercial building energy management. The report also examines the key technologies related to SGaaS, as well as the competitive landscape. An Executive Summary of the report is available for free download on the Navigant Research website.”
Read more at Business Wire.
Photo credit: Navigant Research