by Angela Guess
A recent press release states, “IBM and Red Hat Inc. today announced a major expansion to their long-standing relationship, which will enable IBM and Red Hat customers to benefit from the combined power of both companies’ technologies in private and public clouds. The agreement builds on IBM’s recent move to re-engineer its entire software portfolio with containers, including WebSphere, MQ Series and Db2. Container technologies are fast becoming a safe and reliable way to move applications across multiple IT footprints, from existing data centers to the public cloud and vice versa. Going hand-in-hand with IBM’s shift to containerized software, is Red Hat’s expansive portfolio of enterprise-grade, cloud-native, and hybrid cloud infrastructure solutions, which, when combined, provide a clear pathway for enterprises to adopt hybrid cloud computing.”
The release goes on, “Through the agreement, IBM and Red Hat customers can now: Maximize their existing technology investments and move them more easily to the hybrid cloud with IBM Cloud Private and Red Hat OpenShift serving as the common foundation; Build and deploy containerized applications on one single, integrated container platform IBM Cloud Private providing a single view of all enterprise data; Allow developers to design, modernize, and deploy new applications more quickly while taking advantage of IBM’s cloud-based services such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain with IBM Cloud Private on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.”
Read more at Red Hat.
Photo credit: IBM