by Angela Guess
A new press release announces, “Legal Technology Professionals Institute (LTPI) releases its latest standard, the Discovery Data Governance Model (DDGM™) today, for public comment and feedback. The DDGM™ provides expanded guidance and framework to an industry ever prudent on best practices for every phase of litigation and investigation. The DDGM™ evolved from a realization of the need to properly track data from the start of a matter all the way through case close out. The model was developed by members of LTPI who are active contributors in information governance, litigation support, and e-Discovery within corporations, law firms, consulting firms, and technology and service providers.”
The release goes on, “The DDGM™ framework covers the people, systems, processes and procedures for all phases of a matter, including preliminary, during, and post matter phases. It is developed with a variety of perspectives, including the corporation, government, services provider, expert, and law firm. No “one size” framework will fit all needs, and not all parties follow the same playbook. As such, this framework serves as a flexible guide and checklist for most considerations across a wide breadth of matters. It is designed to be used by both the novice legal technology professional and the expert… The model is currently open for public comment for the next 30 days by the legal community before being finalized and released. To learn more about the Discovery Data Governance Model, visit”
Read more at PR Web.
Photo credit: LTPI