According to a new press release, “iland, an industry-leading provider of secure application and data protection cloud services built on proven VMware technology, today announced new upgrades to iland Catalyst, a complementary cloud assessment tool that simplifies the journey to the cloud. The new Catalyst features make it easier for organisations using VMware to model and right size cloud requirements for cloud backup, disaster recovery or migration without costly over-provisioning or detrimentally under-provisioning. As more organisations migrate from traditional data centres to cloud-based infrastructures, they must optimise costs by accurately predicting the right amount of cloud resources needed based on the size and frequency at which an application is used. They must also determine if workloads are compatible with cloud services. These factors are often miscalculated throughout the cloud journey, resulting in resources often being over or under provisioned.”
The release continues, “iland Catalyst ensures a proper fit at the time of purchase and throughout the lifecycle of a customer’s use of iland cloud services based on individual workloads, application groups and entire production sites with pricing that is flexible and predictable. With Catalyst, iland customers can: match cloud resources with application requirements; ensure workloads are compatible with iland cloud services; determine the bandwidth needed to optimise application performance; estimate service costs per month and ad hoc periods; provide network analysis to ensure the feasibility of backup, disaster recovery and migration use cases while providing initial seed and ongoing data transfer times.”
Read more at Real Wire.
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