According to a recent press release, “ParkMyCloud, provider of the leading enterprise platform for continuous cost control in public cloud, has announced that its platform now recommends resource “RightSizing” changes for cost optimization on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These changes can save up to 75% on oversized instances and databases. The problem posed by oversized resources is significant. ParkMyCloud data shows that 95% of resources under the platform’s management are operating at less than 50% average CPU, showing patterns of significant underutilization and overprovisioning. Moving a virtual machine size down one tier will save 50%. Many instances are so overprovisioned that changes by two or more tiers make more sense, allowing for 75% or higher savings. Users can also save money by modernizing instances. The cloud providers incentivize instance modernization by pricing the newest generations the lowest.”
The release continues, “RightSizing joins ParkMyCloud’s “parking” functionality, which automatically schedules non-production cloud resources, such as those used for development, testing, staging, and QA, to turn off when they’re not needed. With a typical schedule that parks a resource for 12 hours each night and on weekends, users can save 65% of the cost of their resources. Combined with rightsizing, this means that an average cloud user is poised to reduce overall costs in their cloud environment from 50-80% or more. ‘Not only can rightsizing provide significant savings, but it takes the burden of tedious and murky decisions off the shoulders of users,’ said ParkMyCloud Founder Jay Chapel. ‘The real advantage for enterprise cloud users is automation’.”
Read more at PRweb.
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