A recent press release reports, “Odaseva, the all-in-one cloud data management platform for enterprises running Salesforce, today announced the release of its Cockpit.AI applications. With advanced machine learning capabilities, Cockpit.AI offers the first predictive capacity management system to help enterprise Salesforce users maximize the value of the platform by automating the process of monitoring and forecasting the use of platform allocations – such as file storage, data storage and API calls on Salesforce – which have set limitations and influence monthly platform costs and application performance. These allocations also pose the potential threat of business loss and service degradation when not managed with proper precision.”
The release goes on, “By eliminating the time-intensive – and often less-reliable – nature of manual forecasting to avoid limit overages, Cockpit.AI helps enterprise IT teams ensure efficiency and maximize the unparalleled value of the Salesforce platform by enabling a new level of certainty when it comes to storage and API capacity management without requiring unnecessary purchase of additional storage blocks or API call limits before the additional capacity is needed. The importance of system availability is especially pronounced when looking at the enterprise market: 83 percent of Fortune 500 companies currently count on consistent Salesforce system availability for many business functions and will benefit from the introduction of a service that helps maximize the platform’s value while maintaining cost efficiency.”
Read more at Globe Newswire.
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