by Angela Guess
According to a new press release, “SolarWinds, a leading provider of powerful and affordable IT management software, today announced the findings of its IT is Everywhere surveys. The results showcase how the realm of IT is expanding beyond the traditional borders of company-owned devices and on-premises technology, thereby placing greater demand on IT professionals to manage technology outside their traditional scope of control. The surveys are connected to IT Professionals Day — observed the third Tuesday of every September (September 20, 2016) — to emphasize the need for greater appreciation towards IT professionals and the critical role they play in modern business and in the lives of nearly all technology end users.”
Joseph Kim, senior vice president and chief technology officer at SolarWinds, commented, “The importance of technology and the IT professionals who support it is a well-known fact of business success… So, to celebrate the second annual IT Professionals Day, we want to draw attention to the mounting responsibility being placed on IT professionals to manage an ever-expanding array of technologies — both those owned by businesses and those beyond, such as end user-owned devices and cloud applications provided by third-party vendors. Our surveys reveal that more than ever, end users are connecting more devices, including those personally-owned, to corporate networks; relying on cloud-based applications; and working outside the four walls of traditional offices. These are all trends that take direct control out of the hands of IT departments, yet as the surveys also demonstrate, the demands on IT professionals to support and ensure the performance of related technologies are just as high.”
Read more at Marketwired.
Photo credit: SolarWinds