
A Brief History of Data Modeling

Data Modeling is the “act” of creating a data model (physical, logical, conceptual, etc.) and includes defining and determining an organization’s data needs and goals. The act of Data Modeling defines not just data elements, but also the structures they form and the relationships between them. Developing a data model requires the data modelers to work […]

Data Observability: What It Is and Why It Matters

As a process, data observability is used by businesses working with massive amounts of data. Many large, modern organizations try to monitor their data using a variety of applications and tools. Unfortunately, few businesses develop the visibility necessary for a realistic overview.  Data observability provides that overview, to eliminate data flow problems as quickly as […]

Achieving Smoother, Quicker Data Modeling

When the Navy SEALS embraced its motto, “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast,” they may as well have been discussing building data models in the same breath. The SEALS chose the phrase to remind its participants not to rush but to act thoughtfully and deliberately. Data Modeling does the same thing by helping businesses design and update data architectures […]

Trends in Data Governance in 2023: Maturation Toward a Service Model

Companies increasingly want to mature their Data Governance, the formal Data Management capabilities around its value as a service, in 2023. That way, organizations can respond to an uncertain business environment quickly and flexibly. While Kelle O’Neal, founder and CEO of the data consulting firm First San Francisco Partners, first identified this need for Data Governance as a […]

Types of Data Models and Their Uses

Businesses can benefit from Data Modeling in a variety of important ways. Data models serve two primary purposes. They can be designed to represent the organization’s current data system, providing an understanding of how the data flows through an organization, or be developed to show a new desired data system.  The model can be used […]

Data Modeling Trends in 2023: A Refresh

Data Modeling, the practice of diagramming Data Architecture and aligning core business rules with data definitions, will go through a refresh in 2023. Organizations will assess and make over their data fabrics, which describe distributed Data Management systems. Furthermore, managers and project teams will use data models to optimize business processes with their data assets and allocate resources to achieve […]

Data Modeling 101

Data Modeling creates a visual representation of a data system as a whole or as parts of it. The goal is to communicate the kinds of data being used and saved within the system. A data model should also show the data’s relationships, how the data can be organized, and the formats used. A data model can […]

Say Hello to Graph Normal Form (GNF)

You thought you knew all normal forms? (And possibly also some abnormal …) Well, think again: There is also “graph normal form (GNF).” The diagram below is a fifth normal form graph concept model, which is just a few steps from GNF, so hang on: Where GNF comes from GNF is based on serious mathematics, […]

Data Modeling Techniques and Best Practices

Data models play an integral role in the development of effective data architecture for modern businesses. They are key to the conceptualization, planning, and building of an integrated data repository that drives advanced analytics and BI. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with an overview of the most popular data modeling techniques and best practices to […]