
Data Sprawl: Continuing Problem for the Enterprise or an Untapped Opportunity?

Data sprawl has emerged as a significant challenge for enterprises, characterized by the proliferation of data across multiple systems, locations, and applications. This widespread dispersion complicates efforts to manage, integrate, and extract value from data. However, the rise of data fabric and the integration of Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) technologies offers a promising solution to these challenges […]

Top Data Migration Considerations for Data Teams

Organizations have become highly data-centric in the past years, increasing complications and costs as the volume of data rose. However, data integrity issues alone cost organizations $12.9 million annually, on average, according to Gartner. Because of this, data professionals have spent valuable time, resources, and brainpower on identifying and solving data issues rather than higher-value tasks. […]

A Brief History of Business Intelligence

In 1865, Richard Millar Devens presented the phrase “Business Intelligence” (BI) in the “Cyclopædia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes.” He used it to describe how Sir Henry Furnese, a banker, profited from information by gathering and acting on it before his competition. More recently, in 1958, an article was written by an IBM computer scientist […]

A Powerful Pair: Modern Data Warehouses and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like machine learning (ML) have changed how we handle and process data. However, AI adoption isn’t simple. Most companies utilize AI only for the tiniest fraction of their data because scaling AI is challenging. Typically, enterprises cannot harness the power of predictive analytics because they don’t have a fully mature data strategy. To […]

Data Lakehouses: The Future Of Data Migration

It’s no surprise that, in 2023, business enterprises want to become truly data-driven organizations. For many of these organizations, the path toward becoming more data-driven lies in the power of data lakehouses, which combine elements of data warehouse architecture with data lakes.  Data lakehouse architecture is particularly attractive to businesses that want to more rapidly […]

Are Data Warehouses Still Relevant?

Over the past few years, enterprise data architectures have evolved significantly to accommodate the changing data requirements of modern businesses. The emergence of advanced data storage technologies, such as cloud computing, data hubs, and data lakes, makes us question the role of traditional data warehouses in modern data architecture.  Data warehouses were first introduced in the […]

Cloud Computing Trends in 2023

The trends in cloud computing are an expression of the cloud services that people and businesses find useful. Public cloud providers offer a broad range of software and services that are generally quicker and more flexible than the in-house versions. In the last few decades, many businesses have included cloud computing as a part of […]