
Data Science vs. Decision Science: A New Era Dawns

Data Science vs. Decision Science: Basic Descriptions In Data Science, a variety of advanced technologies like data mining, statistics, predictive analytics, AI, and machine learning are used in conjunction to deliver solutions for business problems. In Decision Science, analyzed data is “interpreted” to arrive at business decisions that meet specific objectives. So while Data Science […]

Five Ways Decision Intelligence Helps Accelerate Data-Driven Decision-Making

With 2022 well underway, many businesses are deploying new data-driven strategies and models to promote growth, accelerate digital transformation, and increase operational efficiency. However, to maximize success, enterprise leaders must incorporate decision intelligence and data-driven insights into their decision-making processes.  Decision intelligence is an approach that can help ease the burden of data analysis and […]

Data Science Trends in 2022

The year 2021 was out of the ordinary as global businesses struggled to keep afloat amid the pandemic. This unusual situation accelerated digitization in businesses, which led to a surge in “digital data.” This year witnessed a record number of hires of data scientist and data analyst positions as businesses realized that data-driven market intelligence […]