
DOE Announces $15 Million for Development of AI and Machine Learning Tools

According to a recent press release, “Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) announced $15 million in funding for 23 projects to accelerate the incorporation of machine learning and artificial intelligence into the energy technology and product design processes as part of the Design Intelligence Fostering Formidable Energy Reduction (and) […]

Cray Pursues Advanced Research With DOE for Exascale Systems

A recent press release reports, “Cray Inc. and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced they are pushing forward the technology boundaries of computational science with the development of the “Frontier” exascale supercomputer for Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), expected to be delivered in 2021. The system will be based on Cray’s new Shasta™ […]