
Data Fabric Use Cases

Data is expanding in volume, variety, and sources; therefore, so is the business need for trustworthy, accurate, and timely data for on-demand “competitive intelligence.” Data fabric use cases offer a long-range technological solution for handling the myriad challenges that come with such a complex data ecosystem. This “converged platform,” designed with a unique architecture and […]

Tips for Risk Assessment and Management

Click to learn more about author Ashok Sharma. Small businesses are prone to a lot of risks. From financial threats and market competition to unexpected issues like hazardous equipment, medical expenses, legal expenses, and security issues, a small business can be affected by any (or several) of these problems at any time. And as a small […]

How Much Data Quality is Good Enough?

Ask the question “How much Data Quality is good enough?” and see some very puzzled and alarmed looks. Data Quality, comprising all activities making data fit for consumption, plays a fundamental role in trust, security, privacy, and competitiveness. Good Data Quality is critical because it fuels a surviving and thriving business. While it would be […]

Disaster Recovery Planning Season is Every Season

Click to learn more about author Matt VanderZwaag. Spring floods, summer tornadoes, winter blizzards – Disaster Recovery (DR) planning for mission-critical IT assets is seldom top-of-mind, until headline-grabbing, “seasonal” disasters occur. Even then many organizations are resistant to investing in DR, gambling that they will never be subject to a disaster. The fact is disasters […]