
Do You Have “Okta” for Your Data?

SaaS platforms exploded in the last few years for excellent reasons: scalability, cost, accessibility, and flexibility. But like any explosion, it left some messes in its wake. For IT and security teams, in particular, the increasing number of solutions in use created a seemingly never-ending need to add users, remove users, or change permissions every […]

Challenges of Data Governance in a Multi-Cloud World

Today, it would be really hard to find a business totally free of cloud services. In spite of battling centralized “no-cloud” policies in some enterprises, individual departments, work groups, and units are increasingly subscribing to services for data storage and backup, media services, CRM, hosted analytics, and more. Even developers are using Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and […]

Advances in Data Warehouses

Data warehouses have advanced in the past few years, adding multiple enhancements and new capabilities. A data warehouse stores business data from a variety of applications and databases. It acts as a single repository, which an organization can access with BI (business intelligence) and analytics tools, before making decisions. A data warehouse provides faster processing […]

SaaS and Subscription: Complements, Not Synonyms

Two current trends in software go hand in hand but aren’t the same: software-as-a-service (SaaS) and subscription. SaaS refers to how the software is deployed and delivered to the end customer, while subscription refers to how that software is monetized. All too often, however, these two concepts are conflated. Let’s take a look at how they differ and […]

Data Architecture Trends in 2022

The primary purpose of implementing a Data Architecture is to standardize the methods and  protocols, as well as the systems for acquiring, storing, managing, and sharing data across the enterprise for improved decision-making. In modern businesses, most decisions are made in real time, and to facilitate an efficient and real-time friendly Data Management infrastructure, data […]