by Angela Guess
A recent press release states, “Indeed, the world’s number one job site, debuted today the best jobs of 2017, and all but a few jobs are technical roles. Seven of the top ten jobs are software engineers and developers, with positions in management, healthcare and engineering rounding out the top 25 list. Indeed curated the list based on number of job postings, salary and growth opportunity. ‘As every business morphs into the digital version of itself, the demand for workers with highly technical abilities is increasing far faster than supply,’ said Indeed Senior Vice President Paul D’Arcy. ‘The result is a rapid growth in open, unfilled jobs and increases in salaries for the talent that can fill these roles’.”
The release goes on, “Many of the technical roles are offering six-figure salaries and an ever-increasing number of job postings. Some of the highest paying positions ranked in the top ten include full stack developers (#1), data scientists (#2), development operations engineers (#3), Salesforce developers (#6), and cloud engineers (#9). ‘Software engineers and other technical roles continue to dominate many of the top positions for employer demand and competitive pay,’ said D’Arcy. ‘But there are certainly opportunities in other sectors, with roles in management, engineering, and healthcare in high demand.’ While tech roles are certainly prominent, time-honored positions like civil engineers (#14), commercial project manager (#19), registered nurses (#20), and construction superintendent (#24) round out the top 25 best jobs of 2017.”
Read more at Business Wire.
Photo credit: Indeed