Oct 11, 2019, 12:07 ET

A recent release commented, “Valley® Irrigation, The Leader in Precision Irrigation®, is gaining traction with the initial launch of Valley Insights™ service. Through the partnership between Valley Irrigation and Prospera Technologies announced in February 2019, the Valley Insights limited release has demonstrated successful results this growing season, turning data into useful, actionable information for growers in Washington and Nebraska. The service has exceeded expectations by already reaching its targeted goal of one million acres by 2020.”
And, “Valley Insights (valleyirrigation.com) is designed to move growers closer to autonomous crop management, generating greater returns while using fewer inputs and resources. Using computer vision, the service scouts to identify areas of over- or under-irrigation and related plant stress. It goes beyond typical aerial imaging, using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze the visual data, detect issues and alert the grower so proper actions can be taken.”
“Our initial release has been focused in the Northwest, where a late winter created a challenging season for growers,” says Troy Long, Senior Director of Product Management for Valley Irrigation. “They would have been hard pressed for time to sift through stacks of aerial images provided by other services, searching for potential irrigation-related issues. Valley Insights analyzes the images and alerts growers to possible crop threats before they become big problems. It has saved our users a lot of valuable time they can now dedicate elsewhere.”
Read more at PR Newswire.
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