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Original Air Date: November 6,2018
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About the Webinar
The applications that today’s enterprises are building require flexibility, performance and scalability, and agnostic deployment options to meet the demands of business, employee, and customer. If you’re an architect or developer, you know building a great-looking app is just the beginning.
Liberating data fast and at scale is what allows you to deliver a seamless application experience every time – regardless of device, location, or time. But traditional relational databases weren’t built to meet the quickly changing requirements of modern web, mobile, and IoT apps, to deliver personalized and responsive digital experiences.
What’s the answer? A NoSQL datastore may help achieve these goals – but there are several factors to consider. Not all NoSQL engines are built on the same principles, so what do people need to know when evaluating NoSQL options?
In this webinar, we’ll share real-world lessons learned from customers, and practical advice and best practices for defining, choosing and then moving applications from a traditional RDBMS to NoSQL including:
- How application needs are evolving in the world of digital
- When to consider NoSQL vs a traditional RDBMS -Pros and cons of different NoSQL architectures
- When to use a document-centric option like Couchbase
- How to bridge the gap between NoSQL and SQL
If you are facing the data infrastructure bottlenecks caused by traditional database architectures, or you are just getting started and want learn from what others are doing, join us to learn about moving beyond SQL.
About the Speaker
Tyler Mitchell
Senior Product Manager, Couchbase

Tyler Mitchell is the Senior Product Marketing Manager for Couchbase where he works closely with a broad group of teams across the organization to bring new products to market. His focus is on empowering customers by creating awareness and understanding of Couchbase’s latest innovative capabilities and how Couchbase technology fits into the overall enterprise database market. Tyler’s background is in big data SQL analytics. He previously worked as an Engineering Director with Actian’s R&D group for Ingres, and as Executive Director for open source geospatial technology at OSGeo.