
Data Sips: Interview with Tom Redman

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Data Sips is a new video miniseries presented by Ippon Technologies and DATAVERSITY that showcases quick conversations with industry experts from last month’s Data Governance & Information Quality (DGIQ) Conference in Washington, D.C. 

The fourth episode of the Data Sips series features “The Data Doc” Tom Redman, president of Data Quality Solutions, chatting with host Steve MacLauchlan, head of data at Ippon. (Steve also hosts a longer version of the series called The Data Pour, where he sits down with data professionals over drinks.)

In the interview, Tom discusses the importance of data quality in the age of AI, as well as the biggest risks and challenges organizations face.

You can watch the video here.

More About Tom Redman

Tom Redman, “The Data Doc,” is president of Data Quality Solutions. He helps companies and leaders chart their courses to data-driven futures with special emphasis on quality, organizational structure, and analytics. His latest book, “People and Data: Uniting to Transform Your Organization” (Kogan Page 2023), urges companies to increase the power of their data programs by getting everyone involved. Tom has a Ph.D. in statistics and two patents.

Find more videos from MacLauchlan’s The Data Pour interview series here.