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Original Air Date: March 27, 2019
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About the Webinar
To compete in today’s digital economy, enterprises require new ways to expand AI across their entire organization. Nearly all firms want to do more with data science, but they don’t know where to begin or how to properly empower citizen data scientists to avoid common AI gone wrong accidents.
In this session, we will discuss how to approach your journey into citizen data science with existing analytics talent. Proven best practices and lessons learned from successful early adopters of augmented data science will be shared. We will walk through example initiative roadmaps, recommended staffing, upskilling, mentoring and ongoing governance.
About the Speaker
Jen Underwood
Senior Director, DataRobot

Over the past 20 years, Jen has held worldwide analytics product management roles at Microsoft and served as a hands-on technical lead for system implementation firms. She has experience launching new products and turning around failed projects in enterprise data warehousing, reporting, and advanced analytics. At DataRobot, she influences product designs and helps analytics professionals learn how to solve complex problems with machine learning in the emerging citizen data science segment.
Jen has a Bachelor of Business Administration – Marketing, Cum Laude from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and a post-graduate certificate in Computer Science – Data Mining from the University of California, San Diego.
Ron Powell
Independent Analyst and Executive Producer of The World Transformed Fast Forward Series, Powell Interactive Media

Ron is an independent analyst, consultant and editorial expert with an extensive media, marketing and technology background. Ron is also Executive Producer of The World Transformed Fast Forward Show. He is currently president of Powell Interactive Media, which specializes in consulting and podcast services. Ron has extensive knowledge and experience in business intelligence, big data, analytics and data warehousing, and is a community expert for DATAVERSITY and maintains an expert channel on the BeyeNETWORK. Additionally, he has a wealth of consulting expertise in business management, marketing and IT systems. In 2004, Ron founded the BeyeNETWORK, which was acquired by Tech Target in 2010. Prior to the founding of the BeyeNETWORK, he was cofounder, publisher and editorial director of DM Review (now Information Management).