
This is the Year of Cognitive Computing and IoT

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2010-2011 Calendarby Angela Guess

John K. Waters recently wrote for ADT Mag, “We’re only a month into 2016 and it’s already shaping up to be another lively year for enterprise developers. Mobile, cloud, DevOps, IoT, microservices, the API economy, cognitive computing, virtual reality — all are reshaping organizations in fundamental ways, and it looks like devs are going to have a large role to play in that change. Analyst Clive Howard, who keeps an eye on the mobile and IoT space for UK-based Creative Intellect Consulting, expects 2016 to be the year most companies figure out what all this stuff actually means for their businesses. Projects that have hovered mostly around the edges will find their way into the heart of the enterprise, and a few — IoT, cognitive computing and cloud — will mature as a ‘progressive few’ organizations ‘begin to shape them into exciting new products that will start to appear in 2016 but really emerge in 2017+,’ he said.”

Waters goes on, “Howard also expects IoT to continue to pull in developers, both consumer and enterprise, with the action heating up on the enterprise side. Mobile B2B and B2E (Business to Employee) will grow significantly, he said, which means and more developers within organizations will be involved in mobile—which means lots of people are going to have to buff up their skill sets. Meanwhile, non-developers are likely to be more involved in enterprise development, Howard predicts, via so-called low-code tools and services. Given the current skills shortage, it’s likely that companies will create strategies that embrace these non-developers, he said.”

Read more here.

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