
From Complexity to Clarity: GenAI Decodes Clinical Trial Data

As AI matures and becomes more integrated into clinical trial operations, generative AI (GenAI) technology is ushering in a new era for clinical research and drug development, redefining the clinical trial landscape and offering a quantum leap in efficiency and precision. This innovative technology streamlines every phase, transforming traditionally time-consuming processes into swift, automated workflows. […]

How AI Will Fuel the Future of Observability

We’re seeing a lot of convergence in the market between observability vendors and companies positioned as artificial intelligence (AI) companies. It’s a natural marriage, since AI has the potential to significantly improve what observability does. The question is how to make the best use of AI to support observability in discovering an organization’s unknowns, providing […]

Output Monitoring to Overcome LLM Vulnerabilities

The vulnerabilities in large language models (LLMs), such as their ability to create hallucinations, their inherent biases, and their susceptibility to corruption, have led to hesitation among businesses in deploying AI applications for business advantage. This concern is compounded further by the lag in legislative regulations to address these risks.  Despite these challenges, businesses are […]

Fundamentals of Descriptive Analytics

In descriptive analytics, data aggregation, and data mining techniques are used to collect and review the historical data of a business to gauge the past performance. The most common example of descriptive analytics is the reports that a user gets from Google Analytics tools. A web server’s summarized performance reports may help the user analyze […]

RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Architecture for Data Quality Assessment

A large language model (LLM) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) solution that can recognize and generate new content or text from existing content. It is estimated that by 2025, 50% of digital work will be automated through these LLM models. At their core, LLMs are trained on large amounts of content and data, and the architecture […]

How AI Liberates BI Data from Dashboards

Business intelligence (BI) has historically been a platform for data and business analysts who build dashboards for executives to make decisions. But the generative AI (GenAI) explosion over the past 18 months has changed the game.  People everywhere have tasted the power of ChatGPT and now want a natural language interface to every application. But […]

Automating Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning and Management: Analyzing the Role of Automation

In today’s digital era, cloud infrastructure has become the backbone of many organizations, providing the necessary resources to support diverse applications and services. The increasing complexity and scale of cloud environments have necessitated the adoption of automation to manage infrastructure efficiently. This article explores the pivotal role of automation in provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure, […]

AI and Blockchain in CRM: Securing Customer Data with Advanced Technologies

It is crucial to stress the need to protect data in customer relationship management (CRM) systems because data breaches and cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated. The security measures are inadequate now; companies must constantly seek creative ways to address changing threats. One cannot stress how urgently improved security measures are required. Remarkably, blockchain technology […]