
Cloud Computing and Business Strategy: How to Align for Maximum Impact

Today’s modern business landscape is fiercely competitive, and companies are wielding cloud computing as a strategic weapon to gain an edge. Cloud computing has revolutionized how businesses operate, offering on-demand access to a vast pool of IT resources – storage, servers, databases, networking, and software – all securely delivered over the internet. Imagine ditching expensive […]

Key Steps for Managing Scope 3 Data Efficiently

As the effects of climate change become increasingly clear, businesses today are facing unprecedented pressure to rein in their carbon footprints and to properly account for and disclose their environmental impact. The era of vague, voluntary corporate mission statements on climate-related goals to satisfy internal and external stakeholders’ demands is over. In their place have […]

What Is Data Literacy? Definition, Components, Uses

Data literacy (DL) describes how well an individual or organization understands, works with, analyzes, visualizes, and applies data to reach their goals. The specific context and use case determine what applying data literacy looks like in practice. For example, while reading visualizations on product deliveries provides value, true data literacy involves going further. It involves actively […]

The Changing Role of the Chief Data Officer

In a 2005 interview, Usama Fayyad described his recent appointment as Yahoo’s chief data officer (CDO), a role that had been introduced in the business world only a few years prior. He defined a CDO as: “Someone to lead all strategic data activities and to represent data as a strategic asset that DRIVES business and […]

Change Management Skills for Data Leaders

Change management skills have never been more crucial, given the ever-evolving business landscape. At the heart of effective leadership lies the ability to navigate through change, not only by adapting oneself but also by guiding teams and organizations toward successful transformation. The role of a leader transcends mere operational adjustments; it encompasses inspiring and motivating others […]

What Is Data Literacy and Why Does It Matter?

An international survey by technology company Accenture in 2020 found that 75% of C-suite executives believe that all or most of their employees are proficient at working with data. However, only 50% of middle managers felt the same way. And what about the employees themselves? Only 25% felt that they were fully prepared to use data effectively, […]