
Cloud Computing vs. Data Security

Cloud computing has, in recent years, become both an essential service used in many industries and a ubiquitous part of the daily lives of consumers. By offering remote access to computing services that can be rented out on a flexible, efficient, as-needed basis, it gives companies access to greater computer power and storage capabilities than […]

Knowledge Graphs: Context, Compliance, and Connections

“Graph is leaving a larger and larger footprint. And that is good,” said Thomas Frisendal in Knowledge Graphs and Data Modeling. Gartner named knowledge graphs as part of an emerging trend toward digital ecosystems, showing relationships among enterprises, people, and things, and enabling seamless, dynamic connections across geographies and industries. Elisa Kendall and Deborah McGuinness, […]

What Is a Graph Database? Definition, Types, Uses

A graph database (GDB) models data as a combination of nodes (vertices) and edges (relationships) with equal importance. Businesspeople query these structures to reveal patterns and insights within the data and their associations. These would be difficult to discern from other data visualizations, such as tables, charts, and documents. Since humans naturally think by associating one concept with another, people […]

Fundamentals of Dimensional Data Modeling

In today’s data-driven business environment, organizations demand reliable and stable business insights to make informed decisions. To cater to this demand, over 60% of companies turn to data warehouses (DWs) to store, manage, and analyze their data efficiently. The success of these DW implementations depends on dimensional data modeling – an analytical approach that organizes and categorizes data for efficient analysis and […]

Microservices and AWS RDS Instances: Revolutionizing Application Development

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, the demand for flexible, scalable, and independent application deployment is more critical than ever. Microservices architecture has emerged as a game-changer in how developers build and manage applications, allowing for the decomposition of traditional monolithic systems into independently deployable services. Coupled with the power of Amazon Web Services (AWS) Relational […]