
The Future of Data Literacy

There was a time when only elite, tech-savvy staff in an organization understood and felt qualified to discuss data-enabled business decisions. These individuals often possessed advanced academic degrees in data science, data engineering, statistics, operations research, and other allied fields and did not speak the language of the ordinary business staff. As a result, there […]

Self-Service Analytics: Pros and Cons

Self-service analytics empowers the non-technical users in an organization. Traditionally, data analysis was the domain of specialized data scientists or IT professionals with skills to manipulate and interpret complex datasets. In self-service analytics, user-friendly tools enable ordinary business users to conduct data analyses without expert knowledge or support.   These tools typically feature user-friendly interfaces, drag-and-drop functionalities, and pre-built templates […]

Fundamentals of Data Preparation

Data is often called the raw material of the information age, and it does share characteristics with the resources that power other industries. For example, imagine trying to make a car out of unrefined iron ore. A lot of processing happens between the mine and the factory. Data is no different. In its “raw” form, […]

The Hidden Language of Data: How Linguistic Analysis Is Transforming Data Interpretation

From Fortune 500 companies to local startups, everyone’s swimming in a sea of numbers, charts, and graphs. But here’s the thing: While structured data like sales figures and customer demographics have long been the backbone of analytics, there’s a growing realization that unstructured data is the real goldmine. Think about it. Every tweet, email, customer review, and social […]