Click to learn more about author Dave Kelly. Human beings are imperfectly dynamic creatures shaped by experiences, biases, and cognitive processes, and this combination of behavior-shaping factors is unique from individual to individual and can even change from day to day. In the always-on digital world we live in, where competition for consumer attention is […]
Scoop Up AI’s Benefits, Skip its Risks and Pitfalls
Click to learn more about author Oksana Sokolovsky and Rohit Mahajan. It seems everyone is awash in enthusiasm for Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). Indeed, there’s a lot of business advantage, both tactical and strategic, to be had from the technology. But there’s potential business risk as well, and a […]
Cognitive Computing Demystified: The What, Why, and How
“Cognitive Computing comes from a mashup of cognitive science — the study of the human brain and how it functions — and computer science, and the results will have far-reaching impacts on our private lives, healthcare, business, and more,” says Bernard Marr, in What Everyone Should Know About Cognitive Computing. “Some people say that Cognitive […]