
How the Freelance Marketplace is Helping Data Centers to Complete Their Projects on Time

Click to learn more about author Malik Zakaria. How Freelance Marketing has Affected Data Center Management It is becoming harder to recruit qualified and skilled workers locally for many Data Management business. This is especially common in the technical fields such as marketing and engineering. It is hardly surprising that Data Management organizations are turning to […]

Cognitive Technology To Spur Tech Industry Hiring Next 3 Years: KPMG Report

by Angela Guess A new press release states, “To support emerging cognitive technologies such as cognitive computing, cognitive automation and robotics process automation, technology companies expect to increase hiring in several functions, including management, over the next 3 years, according to a new report by KPMG International, the audit, tax and advisory services organization. The […]

The Big Data Skills Gap Is Getting Bigger

by Angela Guess Alex Woodie recently wrote in Datanami, “If your company is looking to hire data scientist right now, good luck. Five years after Harvard Business Review first shone the spotlight on the data scientist shortage, the gap between data science supply and demand remains substantial. In fact, the gap may be getting bigger. […]