Click to learn more about author Gary Lyng. Data is created at such a high volume that many IT executives simply don’t know what to do with it. In fact, many executives likely have no idea how or where their company’s data is stored, whether it’s been replicated, or what their internal Data Management practices […]
Use Artificial Intelligence to Streamline GDPR Compliance
It’s the morning of May 18, 2018 and you arrive at your desk to find a message from a former job applicant in Germany asking for an inventory of all Personally Identifiable Information (PII) you have for him, and a request to delete all his information. There’s also a notice from IT saying they have […]
Appoint a Data Protection Officer to Ensure Compliance with the GDPR
Click to learn more about author Stuart Tarmy. When is the Best Time to Appoint a DPO? What are Their Key Responsibilities? As many companies are now aware, the European Union (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes effective on May 25th 2018, and will have a significant and possibly devastating impact on all companies that […]